We Are Owned By Global Powerhouse, Colliers
The Advantages Of Joining PRD.
With a global footprint across 69 countries and more than 413 offices, Colliers is one of the largest and most successful real estate businesses in the world.
As PRD is owned by Colliers, our offices gain access to additional expertise and resources that our competitors can only dream of.
These are just some of the benefits of our world-class partnership that you can enjoy when you join PRD:
Access to international clients and unique collaborations.
Opportunities to open into different markets, whether it be rural, lifestyle, project marketing, commercial, or industrial.
Collaboration across listings to assist in refining your pitch and maximising your sale price.
Powerful marketing capabilities and resources.
How can PRD support you?
Whether you’re looking to grow, overcome challenges, or explore new opportunities, we’d love to help.
Conrad Nissirios
Business Development Manager
0457 400 243
Ken Baker
Business Development Manager
0473 461 889