The Advantages Of Joining PRD.
Why choose PRD to grow your business?
We put our people first.
We'll support you and your business across the board; from dedicated business consultants and a constant stream of ready-to-go marketing campaigns, to customised research reports and the global reach of our parent company, Colliers.
Spacious Franchise Territories
We offer geo-exclusivity when it comes to our franchising territories, meaning our franchisees aren’t overcrowded, and they don’t have to compete with other PRD offices in their local marketplace.
We Are Owned By Global Powerhouse, Colliers
PRD’s exclusive partnership with global real estate powerhouse, Colliers, gives our offices access to additional expertise and resources our competitors can only dream of.
Leaders In Property Research
Research is our middle name, literally! PRD stands for (Property, Research, and Development).
We back our offices to win listings with bespoke market reports from our independent, in-house research team.
Dedicated Business Consultants
Each of our offices has a dedicated Business Consultant who will visit you in person on a regular basis and are 110% committed to helping your business grow and adapt in an ever-changing marketplace.
Constant Stream Of Marketing Collateral
We consistently arm our network with marketing collateral & content across print, digital and social media so they can routinely touch base with their databases, & stay top of mind in their local market.
Relevant & Ongoing Training
Our network not only hear from external speakers, but regularly hear from key Principals, Salespeople and Property Managers from within our own network who are leading the way in their areas of expertise.
Project Marketing Expertise
Our franchisees have the option to take full advantage of the knowledge gained from our long and rich history in the project marketing space.
How can PRD support you?
Whether you’re looking to grow, overcome challenges, or explore new opportunities, we’d love to help.
Conrad Nissirios
Business Development Manager
0457 400 243
Ken Baker
Business Development Manager
0473 461 889